Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Name Change, Growing Pains

As you might have noticed, the name of this blog has changed from Dina Discovering Dinelle, to A Soulful Place. I have my reasons. It's an evolution, if you will. I will explain.
My name on my birth certificate is Dinelle. It's a "formal" name. It's my "grown up" name. I use it with legal papers. It's on my checks, my drivers license. It is one aspect of me. I have never been 100% comfortable with it. DOn't get me wrong, I like it. I think Dinelle is a beautiful name. But. I had just never gotten a chance to really know her. I was nicknamed Dina by my mom after her favorite movie star at the time "Dina Merril". It's a happy name. It's slang. It's laid back.
On the other hand, Dinelle is only used for serious reasons. Maybe that's why I don't go by it very often. She's too serious.
So when I initially named the blog Dina Discovering Dinelle, it was my way of trying to get to know that aspect of who I am. It was me trying to embrace all the different parts of me. It worked. And then I outgrew that vision. I don't need to discover Dinelle anymore. It's my name. It's a part of who I am. It's beautiful. But it doesn't change anything about me.
So I started thinking about what I wanted to express in this place. It's not a mommy blog. I have one of those. It's not a wedding blog... maybe a little, but not really. It's a place where I can be Soulful. Where I can express my soul feelings. Where I can share thoughts on a much deeper level than anywhere else. And so "A Soulful Place" came to my mind. I have mulled it over for exactly a month. It feels right.
The website address will change as well to SoulfulPlace.blogspot.com, so if you subscribe to my writing, please go back and adjust it accordingly. I will wait until Friday to make that change. :)

I will be featuring guest writers, interviews with inspirational people, books that touched my soul, Words of wisdom, and of course my soulful thoughts.
Thank you for walking with me on this journey. If you want to see anything on here in particular, please let me know.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Free Wedding Ceremony Contest!

I love hearing the stories of how a person's path crosses another, and love blooms. I love the sweetness, the beauty, the sometime rawness. Sometimes love comes in unexpected ways, and that is beautiful. Because each couple, each story is unique.

I love hearing thoughts and opinions on what makes a marriage work. What love means. What it means to be in relationship with another soul.

I love hearing the wishes and goals. The trials and triumphs of relationships. It's a feel good feeling.

I love weddings. I love the art of ceremony. I love helping a couple create and design a ceremony that defines and expresses the relationship that they have built. Bringing two people together in sacred ceremony is probably the most awesome and fulfilling job I could ever hope to have besides being a mother. Nothing tops that. :) It's a blessing, and the most fun thing I have ever done. A natural high, if you will. I love it so much that if I didn't have to use money to survive, and eat and just be, I would totally do it for free. :)
Really though, It's been a fantastic career choice, and it's time to be in service back into the community.

So, in the act of paying it forward for all the blessings that have been bestowed upon me, I want to offer a contest!

I want to hear your love story. I want to know why you believe you are marrying the right partner. I want to know what commitment /marriage means to you. What makes a marriage work? What does love mean to you? What does it mean to be in relationship?
Send in your story to me at Rev(dot)Dina(At) Soulfulcommitment(dot)com. I will post the stories with your permission, and then, We will open it up to the readers for a vote of the best story! The story with the most votes will win, so you might want to tell your friends and family to vote for you!

The contest runs through February 29th. The voting begins March 1st. The winners will be announced Sunday March 18th both at the Pittsburgh Bridal Show at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, and here on the blog, and on my Facebook page.

Restrictions apply:
1. One couple will win 1 free wedding package, including a ceremony, rehearsal (if needed), all travel, and filing your license after your ceremony. 
2. Wedding must be in the Tri state area, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia.
3. Wedding day must be available on my calendar. (I am happy to share with you my availability, if you ask)
4. If Wedding is OUT of of the Tri-State area and you really want me there, we can negotiate. :)
5. Couple must not already be contracted with me for my services.

SO let's hear your story! I can't wait!