Monday, September 14, 2009

Becoming a Reverent Reverend ~ 6-15-07

What an entirely moving and beautiful experience. The first one being the process of following through, from beginning to the end. The second one, the act of crossing that finishing line and celebrating your victory with friends and loved ones.
I was ordained this weekend, after a long, beautiful training program called Bodisattvha For Babes. Through this program I learned more about myself than I ever thought I would. I also learned to listen to my heart a lot more, and that ultimately I am enough. I listen and pay attention to nature around me more, and I have so much respect for all beings. Its a nice feeling. I will be writing a deeper blog on myspace, and you can read it if you wish.
Thank you to all who supported me, and all who knew I could do it! :)
Glenn came out and was a witness to my big day and I was so fortunate to have him see what it was that I believe in. He was able to meet these women that I walked with these past months, who will literally knock your socks off, were you to ever come across one of them. They are AMAZING! Each one of them has this incredible gift and they all love unconditionally. I am so lucky.

My kids are doing great, only 3 weeks left till school is out. The countdown has officially begun, and they are wired for summer. We have been fortunate enough to be able to swim in a pool everyday after school. My little fishies are loving it.
Today I tied up several loose ends getting ready for my big move. It turns out that the Law of Attraction really does work!
After feeling stressed about moving my stuff, and paying a ginormous amount to have my things moved versus me move my own stuff, I set an intention that someone would want to move my things for a very low price. Even lower than moving it all myself. Guess what?! It happened. I have a mover that will be picking up my stuff between the 14th and 16th, and driving it 2564 miles to a self storage unit (as the house doesn't close until the 29th).
So, as much as I would like to drive cross-country, it is more cost effective for me to fly out. My last day is officially June 25th. My friends are having a Bon Voyage Party for me on the 15th. Again, I am so lucky!
You are caught up for today....
Love to you!

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