WARNING: Dear Readers,
Before you read this, be warned this is mushy, and lovey dovey. If that makes you sick to your tummy, then don't read it. This is my tribute to an amazing relationship, and how it came to be. Thank you
Once upon a time, I asked several dear "couple" friends of mine the secret to the beautiful relationship they had created. I asked how was I ever going to find that perfect Mr. Right?? After all I had failed miserably after trying to make one relationship work for 13 years. They gave me various pieces of advice. There was a common silver thread in everything I was told.
The one thing everyone told me about was the Law of Attraction. They also said to create a Manifesto for the Soul mate I was longing for. HOW do I do that? I pondered. I researched, I asked questions, and with the help of genius Stacey Robyn and her beloved soul-mate, Here is what was created:
I see a new and exciting person entering my life's experience. This person is a handsome man who vibrates in harmony with what I am wanting. He is spiritual in the sense that he knows who he is and believes that all things are possible and is moving in the same direction that I am.
He has a wonderful sense of humor and appreciates mine as we bring out the best feelings in each other when we are together. He has a sense of adventure and a willingness to try new things. He is curious by nature and loves learning, experiencing and experimenting.
He is honest with his feelings and dealings with me and others. He is positive, upbeat, and happy. He is a joy to be around and I feel wonderful to be with him. He has his own mind and is independent emotionally and financially.
He is vibrant and healthy- he literally glows with energy and enthusiasm. He believes in himself and believes in me. His sublime nature is a grace that makes all our interactions smooth, natural and effortless. We support each other in our life's mission and I feel like a queen when I am with him, and he feels like my king. We are able to speak for hours with each other, while at the same time being able to give each other space when we want it.
He loves to travel and has a great appreciation for the beauty, serenity, and grandeur of nature. He really feels like a soul-mate, sharing a like mind and soul. He is full of life and reminds me of the power of love. There is a magnetic pull that draws us together. There is definitely a strong sense of physical attraction and at the same time the attraction extends beyond the physical and into the emotional, mental, and spiritual side as well. We are a perfect match and are in harmony on all levels. He is a growth seeking being and e enjoy growing together and learning from one another.
I see myself sharing my life with this handsome, loving, fun, supportive, honest,gentle, spiritual, intelligent soul-mate. When I am with him, I feel alive and strong, more of my best self. I feel the great possibility of all things. Talking with him is like talking to myself, for his thoughts are my thoughts. We are one and we are in harmony. Our relationship grows through love and great joy and a desire to always expand the limits of our beliefs. WE want to experience all the richness that life has to offer. This life is a wonderful adventure/creation and we expectantly look forward to each new day.
I have made space for this special man in my life- someone of like mind and heart. I feel him definitely being attracted to me as I am writing this. We will meet and there will be joy and excitement in our meeting. He will see what I'm doing and support it wholeheartedly as I will be committed to assisting him in fulfilling our life's purpose.
Not long after I put this all down on paper, I found him. He is ALL those things, and I am so blessed.
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