Monday, September 14, 2009

I Must be Dreaming! 01-28-09

So this morning, right before waking up. I had a dream. It was a weird one, too! If you know me, you will know that I take my dreams seriously. I don't, however take them literally. I know that on some level, they mean something in regards to my inner me. That I need to pay attention to the "aspects" of all the different parts of me. So here's my dream:

I was in this beautiful park, and it was summer time. I saw this spiderweb encased in branches and as I walked up to it, I saw this little snake resting within. I gently blew on the snake, and the snake lurched out at me. It fell to the ground and was slithering trying to catch me. But I was afraid, and kept stumbling backwards. Then I was at the ocean, and it was a black stormy day. No rain, just wind. The water was almost black, and the sky was the darkest gray.I remember noticing a friends bathing suit, the skirt part of the bottom kept flapping in the wind.
The next thing you know, I am in an office, with a beautiful tree right outside the window. The tree has this enormous branch, as as I look outside, I see this gigantic bat land and flap its wings and walk toward me. I am astounded at the size, and all of a sudden it transforms into a groundhog. There is this woman outside calling to it, and pets it as it climbs from the branch to climb onto my roof.

Before all of this, though, I was dreaming about my soul sister, and we were in this dark room, with all these people, I could barely make out everyone, just saw shadows. We were doing some kind of work with these people, and it was important. I don't know what it was that we were doing.

I woke up from this strange dream wondering just what the hell it might mean. A Gigantic Bat who transforms into a ground hog? I have a dream book that I usually use written by Mary Summer Rain. I wasn't able to use it, because I was at work when I felt the need to work this out. So I looked online and this is what "THEY" say it means:

To see a web in your dream represents your desire to control everything around you. Alternatively, it suggests that you are being held back from fully expressing yourself. You feel trapped and do not know what to do or where to go. The dream may also be symbolic of your social network of acquaintances and associates or it may represent the World Wide Web.

To see a snake or be bitten by one in your dream, signifies hidden fears and worries that are threatening you. Your dream may be alerting you to something in your waking life that you are not aware of or that has not yet surfaced. Alternatively, the snake may be seen as phallic and thus symbolize temptation, dangerous and forbidden sexuality. If you are afraid of the snake, then it signifies your fears of sex, intimacy or commitment. The snake may also refer to a person around you who is callous, ruthless, and can't be trusted. As a positive symbol, snakes represent healing, transformation, knowledge and wisdom. It is indicative of self-renewal and positive changes.

To dream that you are being chased signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity. In particular, to dream that you are chased by an animal represents your own unexpressed and unacknowledged anger which is being projected onto that animal. Alternatively, you may be running away from a primal urge or fear.

To see the beach in your dream symbolizes the meeting between your two states of mind. The sand is symbolic of the rational and mental processes while the water signifies the irrational, unsteady, and emotional aspects of you. It is a place of transition between the physical/material and the spiritual.

To dream that you are on the beach and looking out toward the ocean indicates unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. Consider the state of the ocean, whether it is calm, pleasant, forbidding, etc.

To see a storm in your dream signifies overwhelming struggle, shock, devastating loss and catastrophe in your personal affairs. The storm also represents unexpressed fears or emotions, such as anger, rage, turmoil, etc. On a more positive note, the storm signifies your rising spirituality. It could signal rapid changes ahead for you.

To see bats in your dream, symbolizes uncleanness, demons, and annoyances. Alternatively, bats represent rebirth. You need to let go of old habits. Your current path is not compatible with your new growth and new goals. It may also mean that you are blindly entering into a situation or deal. You need to evaluate the facts more carefully. The dream may also been a pun on feeling "batty" or feeling crazy.

To see lush green trees in your dream, symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation.

Then, we go into Shamanic meanings which I am more aligned with and this is what they say about all the animals that I saw in my dream. Funny, how they all signify practically the same message.

"If groundhog is your power animal it is time to explore alternative states of consciousness. Pay attention to your dreams and try meditation. Study a specific subject or area of interest. Take up a Yoga class and learn to relax. Dig beyond the surface to get to the truth of important issues. Perhaps it is time to add an addition to your home or build the home of your dreams. Offer your home to someone in need but make sure that it is only temporary. Is it time to withdraw from busy activities and hibernate for a while? Don't paint yourself into a corner and always have several ways to exit from a negative situations. Add more vegetables to your diet. Study the seasons and apply the wisdom of the changing cycles in your daily life. You are a good person and a blessing to many people."

Snake This a powerful totem -- it is the symbol of transformation and healing. The Snake is wisdom expressed through healing. It is a protector and guardian totem, along with its sister totems, the Dragon and the Serpent. If a snake totem has come into your life, your creative forces are awakening.Your intuition will sharpen and be more accurate. Snake energy is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation. It also signals a transition in your life. New opportunities and/or changes. Snake is fire medicine, the medicine of transmutation.On a material level, it is vitality; on an emotional level, it is ambition and dreams;on a mental level, it is intellect and power; on a spiritual level (the highest level),it is wisdom, understanding and wholeness. Snake magic is heavy magic. Become the Magician and transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire. The Snake is one of the symbols of Thoth.

Bat's wisdom includes shamanic death and rebirth, initiation, viewing past lives, pollination of new ideas, transition, understanding grief, the use of vibrational sound, camouflage, invisibility, ability to observe unseen, secrets.

Shaman initiates go through a ritual death, sometimes with the aid of teacher plants and/or fasting. Here they confront their fears and are reborn without their old identities. Bats help us to release fear and patterns which no longer fits within our pattern of growth.

Bat flying into your life signifies that transformation of the ego self is about to occur, the end of a way of life and the start of another. This transition can be very frightening for many, even just to think about. But you will not grow spiritually until you let go these old parts of you that are NOT NEEDED. Facing the darkness before you will help you find the light in rebirth. The bat gives you the wisdom required to make the appropriate changes for the birthing of your new identity.

So there you have it. I am curious to your thoughts. What would you say my dream is really about?

1 comment:

  1. Maritzia said...

    Looking at both the modern as well as shamanic interpretations of symbols is interesting. They really aren't that different, are they?

    To me, the feelings of a dream are very important in interpreting the dream itself.

    You weren't afraid as you approached the spider web and snake. I would hazard a guess that you were feeling strong and in control. You helped the snake get lose by blowing on it (giving it some of your energy, perhaps? Breath often has to do with power and energy).

    What happened is the snake turned on you, chasing you. And it chased you to the edge of the beach with a big storm.

    My intuition says that you feel betrayed or afraid or torn somehow about something you did to help someone else. You experiencing strong conflicting emotions about it (hence the beach and storm). I'm wondering if the woman in the swimsuit represents a person involved in these feelings.

    Then you're working. Your in your office, which is a place of your own territory, where you're safe and in control. You are protected from outside by the window, but can see everything going on.

    You have a bat which is about death and rebirth, and it becomes a groundhog, which is about alternative states of consciousness (another kind of rebirth). The bat is telling you to give up what you are afraid of, move away from it in order to achieve what you need. When you do that, you move to a higher or different level in your life (the groundhog, symbolizing after the change, is moving up). A woman is there and is petting and happy with the ground hog. I wonder if she's related to the woman on the beach?

    To summarize, I see this about something you've done out of good intentions that you feel strongly conflicted about now and that may have caused someone to turn away from you (the woman on the beach had her back to you). You need to come to terms with what happened and why and resolve your feelings about the issue. You need to die to your own misconceptions in order to see things more clearly. Trust your own wisdom, spend time in meditation, and in the quiet of your own mind, you'll find what you need to know. When you do, you'll understand what needs to happen to change the situation.

    Of course, I could just be talking out my rear here. Only you will know if any of this is accurate for you. would love to know if any of this resonates, though.
