The sound of birds wake me every morning. I am not talking about 1 or 2. Its more like living in an aviary! There are so many, and it is such a beautiful sound. No cars, motorcycles, sirens. Ahhhhhhh
I am surrounded by Lush, thick green trees. Most all are deciduous.
We are at the top of a hill, overlooking hills of trees, houses, and way in the distance a Giant McDonald's sign that sticks out like a sore thumb. :)
The place we live in is quite charming, actually. Each suburb of Pittsburgh is like its own community, and it feels like we are in a small town.
The houses around me are most all at least 100 years old. They stand up so elegantly, Victorians, made of brick, with beautiful peaks and slopes.
I absolutely LOVE my house. Love it. We have been moving into it, bit by bit, and I have been able to take the time to get to know each room, each wall. Its a total sanctuary. My dream house for sure. So many windows, High ceilings, nooks and crannies.
Moving to a whole new community has been a learning experience, to say the least. I have learned about the local animals that are commonly found in our back yard. So far we have had Bunnies, and Groundhogs. Hawks are always nearby, as are the deer. We even came across a beautiful fox.
Who knew?
The people are different. Not in a bad way. Just different. The accents are thick with a lot of people. (Downtown sounds like Dahn-tahn) Terms for some objects are different ( Sweeper = Vacuum, etc. ) But mostly I have noticed that everyone has been so nice. I am also finally starting to relent and understand why The people of Pittsburgh are so fiercely loyal to their Sports teams. Its actually kind of beautiful.. "to be honest." :)
Of course, Emotionally I have been on a roller coaster. I have been Very very happy in my new place, with my wonderful man, and his family. But I have been very sad, missing my friends back home. I am sure it will get better, but I admit is has been tough. You never know when the tears are going to rush forward and drown us... I am grateful to Glenn to let me feel my feelings. He has also reminded me of all my training through Bodhi Babes, to live in the present moment and be mindful about it. So, I know that he won't let me wallow for long. :) IT has been so nice adapting to each other without the kids. I miss my kiddos more than it seems possible, but it has been a good relationship building process to just be a couple first without them. Learning about each other is fun. It feels kind of brand new even though we have been together for a long time. We get the kiddos back at the end of July and we will start the adaptation process all over. :)
During the last few weeks I have not been sitting down mindfully and connecting with Spirit. Its amazing how much that makes a difference in how your day is determined. Now that most things are unpacked though, I promise myself that I will make time every day to get back to where I need to be. I do see the signs though, the animals and bugs, the whispers in my ear, the messages from Spirit. I am always connected and thinking metaphorically and metaphysically.
So while I am settling in, I am aware of all that is around me, before me and behind me. I grieve my losses, take joy in my surroundings, and look forward to whatever is to come.
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