Monday, September 14, 2009

This. Is. Me.

For 36 years I have been known to the people in my little world by so many names. I was born Dinelle Jean (My mom likes to pronounce it like Shean, to make me sound exotic except for when I am in trouble.) I grew up as Dina, and Dinelle became my alter ego. I never really use it.

Now, I am ready to explore "Dinelle". It is to be a journey for me. I will be using this sight to post my thoughts, my feelings, my ups and my downs. It might not make sense to you, but it will be more of a self discovery. I think it might be pretty spectacular.
This journey, the one I am continuously on, seems to always be winding down to something. Just when I think its going to settle into something monotonous, I find myself thrown back into the rapids of the river. The water slashing over my head, a bumpy ride while being swiftly carried downstream. Sometimes I go deep down underwater where everything is mumbled and discombobulated, and I can't breathe, and I don't know which way is up, when suddenly hands reach in and pull me to safety.
There are other times where it is me pulling someone else out of the water. the ebb and the flow.
Today, however I am floating along, but the water is swift, and I am terrified of really letting go, of seeing where I go.

I have posted here, all of my blog posts that I have written on my family blog for the last two years. It is all my personal story, my journey. Some very deep, some shallow, but it is all me. I decided to pull it off the family blog, because, really it doesn't have anything to do with the rest of them.
This is my space. For reflection for pondering, for ranting. It probably won't be every day, but you never know!
For updates on my family blog you can go HERE
For now this is me. I hope you can take the time to go back and get to know who I am. And, it would be awesome if you would send me a comment as feedback for my writing.

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