Monday, September 14, 2009

Are you Ready to Rock? 08-14-09

Do you remember that day? It was going to be a scorcher, that day. We had been lucky enough to escape to the beach the day before, where it was at least 10 degrees cooler, but everyone and their mom decided that escaping to the beach was a good idea too.

Do you remember the photographer, dressed in all black to take our photos? He was literally drenched in sweat, dripping off his face like a leaky faucet. He took some fabulous pictures though, huh?

Do you remember when everyone started showing up, and I had to go and wait it out in the lodge? You didn't know this, but I was pacing in there, panicking. I was shaking, and my eyes kept welling up with tears. I was so nervous and excited. Did you know that? You seemed so calm and collected.

Do you remember walking the kids up into the labyrinth to begin the ceremony, and Jon playing the native American Flute, (you loved so much that you had to have one, and so we bought a handmade one at the Saturday market the next day)and the giant mother drum beating like a heartbeat?

Do you remember standing at the entrance of the labyrinth,me walking toward you to the heartbeat of the drum? I remember you seeing me and your eyes welling up with tears.

Do you remember walking into the center of the labyrinth in front of all my friends and family? As our drum and the flute slowly faded away, and silence enveloped us Do you remember what happened then?

The neighbors down the road had a summer party and with it a live band that decided to pretend to be AC/DC, who screamed so loud that it echoed "ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?" Our guests, the minister, and both of us started laughing. Jon said "Well? Are you ready to rock?" Surely it must have been a sign from the heavens that our marriage was going to be full of fun and laughter.

Do you remember our vows that we said to each other? Yours were so simple and sweet, and you were so emotional I had to wipe tears from your eyes.

Here were your vows to me:

" I acknowledge my love for you and invite you to share my life as I hope to share yours. I promise to walk by your side, to love, help, and encourage you. I vow to take time to share with you, to listen and to care. I will share you laughter and your tears, as your partner, lover and friend. I promise to always respect you and honor you as an individual and to be conscious of your needs. I will seek through kindness and compassion to achieve with you the life we have planned together."

Do you remember my vows to you?
"Today we are married. I stand before you, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know. I promise to delight in your happiness and comfort you in sorrow. To support you when you need it, and when I need support to accept yours. To make your plans and dreams as important to me as my own.
Together we will created a household that celebrates respect, honest, laughter, nurturing,and adventures. The strength of our home will allow us to live conscientiously and deliberately and encourage others to do the same.
I promise to continue to love you deeply and honestly, as it is your heart that moves me, your mind that challenges me, and inspires me, and your hands that I wish to hold until the end of my days.
You are my best beloved and my friend. I give you my promise to be by your side and on your side. I gladly make these promises to you, and I am proud to become your partner.
We stand united now and forever, to join our lives, so that we may be strong as individuals, and stronger still together".

I remember you asking the kids to come forward and I remember the vows you gave to them, becoming their step father :
"I Glenn, Take you Ryan, Kayce, and Julia to be my family, to love you, inspire you, to mentor you, and to share with you the journey of life."

I remember our wedding rings being passed through the hands of each one of our guests, and that they each held them, placed a blessing on them before handing them back to us to slip on each others fingers.

I remember the beautiful Native American blanket that several of my friends bought together to wrap us in for the calling in of the directions. Remember how hot it was under that wool blanket? Remember all the beloved friends standing around us, joining in the ceremony, honoring all the directions along with us?

Do you remember the prayer that Rev. Jayna said at the end?

"Our Creator, we ask you to protect the ones we love. We honor all you have created as Dina and Glenn pledge their hearts and lives together. We honor Mother Earth and ask for their marriage to be abundant and grow stronger through the seasons. We honor fire and ask that their union be warm and glowing with love in their hearts.

We honor wind and ask that they sail through life safe and calm as in the father's arms. We honor water to cleanse and soothe their relationship and ask that it may never thirst for love. With all the forces of the universe you have created, we pray for harmony and true happiness, as Dina and Glenn forever honor the Divine Within- the center, the God spark, the soul. We ask for blessings upon each and every one present here to day as witnesses to their sacred union. We give thanks for the feast we will soon share together and praise this day of life!"

And then we were married.

And now we are married. For one year. Does it feel like a year to you? It has been a beautiful year. I have loved every moment. Thank you for loving me.

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