Monday, September 14, 2009

Musings 03-04-09

This whole process of grieving over someone that passes, even when you don't know them is amazing to me. I let myself feel my feelings, and observe where in my body I feel it. My heart hurts physically for the family that is left behind. My Professor sent a poem to me the other day. I had thought she had written it, but she confirmed that someone sent it to her, and she kept it and passes it on. I wanted to share it with you because it is probably one of the most beautiful passages I have ever read relating to death. It gives you a whimsical perspective, and creates a positive spin on life.
I hope you enjoy it.

When somebody dies, a cloud turns into
an angel, and flies up to tell God
to put another flower on a pillow.
A bird gives the message back to
the world, and sings a silent prayer
that makes the rain cry. People dis-
appear, but they never really go away.
The spirits up there put the sun to
bed, wake up grass, and spin the
earth in dizzy circles. Sometimes you
can see them dancing in a cloud during
the day-time, when they're supposed
to be sleeping. They paint the rain-
bows and also the sunsets and make
waves splash and tug at the tide.
They toss shooting stars and listen to
wishes. And when they sing wind-
songs, they whisper to us, don't
miss me too much. The view is nice
and I'm doing just fine
I found myself observing my own in-breath and out- breath, and being grateful that I could actually do this. I found myself feeling blessed for my 35 years of walking on Mother Earth. I found myself feeling sad because I take it for granted.

A few years ago, I came across a video by Brother David Steindl Rast, and I also want to share it with you. I have shared it before, when my sister's best friend died tragically last year in a car accident. I fall back onto it for comfort every time I need to remember what is important. If you have time, really listen to the words, and feel them. I hope you feel the love.
Blessings to you today.

1 comment:

  1. OMYWORD! said...

    I could not have stumbled upon a more perfect video and post than yours today. On a day where I could easily, and rightfully focus on loss, I have a choice. And I choose to be grateful. Thank you!
