Monday, September 14, 2009

Drama. It's What's For Dinner

Pregnancy. Oh my. Why did I want this again? I have realized that recently, I have become total bitch. My patience is about -5 minutes long. For anything and everyone.
I am like a snapping turtle. I mentioned this to my laid back hubby who casually responds with "I've noticed this. ". Oh.

He has been truly fantastic. He knows when to gently get me away from the kids before I rip their heads off. He knows when I need alone time from everyone including him.
He knows that the little things such as cleaning up the kitchen after dinner for me will keep me semi satiated.
Last night we had a 12 year old melt down. My 7th grade boy decided to quit playing football. He is scared. Understandably so. A boy was taken off the field on a stretcher and into an ambulance, due to a neck injury. He also didn't want to be sandwiched again by two bigger 8th grade boys during scrimmage. I hear that. It scares me thinking about my little boy getting hurt.

He cried. A lot. He beat himself up. We encouraged him to rethink it. We encouraged him to try a little longer. We struggled trying to find a balance, of honoring his decision, and also encouraging him not to give up something he has been so excited about. Normally I can deal with all the drama. Not this time. It frustrated me. Made me irritable.

Drama. I don't choose to accept it into my house at this time. Its like the commercial with the Swifter and the mop. The mop is devastated that it can't be in the house, and that it has been replaced. That's the drama here. Its been cast out on the streets, and it keeps trying to wheedle its way back into our arms. Drama from neighbors, friends, family, school, children, pets. Yeah.

Time to reserve a room at the local asylum for me. Could you please find me a padded white room, with a soft comfy bed, lots of awesome books, and yummy treats? I would be your friend forever.

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